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Moon Dragons






Average Weight

8 pounds


Average Length

2 feet


Average Wingspan

4 feet


Average Height (at shoulder)

6 inches




Moon dragons are a cool silvery white all over. Their wings are skinny and leathery. They are constantly emitting a soft, cool white glow, though that glow is usually only visible at night.


When the moon is full, moon dragons will glow brighter, and fade slightly as the moon wanes again.


The Egg

Moon dragon eggs are white and silver, with some pitting to mimic a real moon. They are perfectly round, and are only slightly bigger than a golf ball.


Hatchlings and Adulthood

The only difference between hatchling and adults is their size. Some moon dragons that are very old tend to glow a little less brightly during the full moon.



Determining the Sex


There is no known distinction between male and female moon dragons, besides the ability to lay eggs. Genetic testing must be done to be sure.

Moon dragon wing shape

Shape of a moon dragon wing.

Moon Dragon Egg



There are two ways a moon dragon egg can be laid and hatched.

  1. Two moon dragons mate and lay moon dragon eggs. â€‹

  2. Two blood moon dragons mate and lay moon dragon eggs





The reproduction of moon dragons relies on the cycle of the moon. They will only mate when there is a new moon, and eggs will only hatch when there is a full moon. 


The Nest

Moon dragons lay their eggs in dark cavities in trees, caves, etc. Since their eggs glow, moon dragons go to great lengths to make sure that their eggs are as hidden as possible from predators.


Laying Eggs

The average clutch size is eight- though occasionally clutches can be double that size. There are currently no studies on if a double clutch harms on a mother moon dragon.


They will lay their eggs anywhere from 7 days to 28 days after mating. They will leave their nest afterwards and not return, so they don't draw any more attention than they need to with their glowing scales.


Moon dragon nest

Moon dragon nest

Moon dragon collection

A large moon dragon collection




Moon dragons will live anywhere, gravitating towards places where there is an established sun dragon. 



Moon dragons love to collect white rocks, minerals, and gemstones. Most abundant in their collection is quartz, though some rare gemstones have been seen in larger collections, as well as a few unidentifable rocks. Their tongues are rough and heavily barbed- the only purpose of these special tongues seems to be to lick their collected rocks into smooth round spheres.



Moon dragons will leave the nest soon after hatching, searching for a sun dragon of their own to stay near. Once established, they tend to stay in the same area for their lifetime.



They hunt and feed at night- they especially love moths and lightning bugs.

Documented Moon Dragons

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